Hopping Frog Classroom
Ages 3-4 years old
Lead Teacher Meghan Kern
Assistant Teacher Sarah Stebbins
The Creede Early Learning Center contracts with the Creede School District to provide the Preschool Program. It follows the Creede School Districts school calendar, and runs Monday-Thursday. We are an early learning center that is committed to providing a nurturing, safe environment. Our focus is on developing social skills, meeting developmental needs, and providing educational training using quality curriculum for children ages 3 to 4 years old. Studies indicate that children who receive this early learning education perform better in school and adjust better socially.

Busy Bee Classroom
Ages 4-5 years old during school year. Ages 4-7 years old during summer months.
Lead Teacher Margo Eubank
Assistant Teachers Lindsey McKenna & Klara Mankowski
School Year Universal Preschool Program: The Creede Early Learning Center provides preschool programming for Mineral and Rio Grande Counties. We loosly follow the Creede School District annual calendar, and run Monday-Thursday, from Early September to late May. We are an early learning center that is committed to providing a nurturing, safe environment. Our focus is on developing social skills, meeting developmental needs, and providing educational training using quality curriculum for children the year before Kindergarten. Studies indicate that children who receive this early learning education perform better in school and adjust better socially.
The Creede Early Learning Center participates in Colorado's Universal Preschool program! Doing so allows families to receive funding towards our high-quality preschool services. Last year, families saved an average of $600 a month. The enrollment for Universal Preschool typically opens in February for the following school year. Thanks to a new enrollment process, it’s now easier than ever to “match” with us in the Universal Preschool Portal. UPK.Colorado.Gov Contact our Executive Director for more information.